
Essential Training

I’ve spent today with the lovely Sara Lou-Ann Jones (Master Trainer in NLP, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching) who was running her 1 day Effective Marketing Course for Therapists, at the Hypnotherapy Centre of Excellence in Manchester.  It was certainly a feature packed day with practical exercises, tons of useful information and even a visit from a web design expert to ensure that this aspect of marketing was included in your marketing strategy. Blogs were mentioned, naturally, so I was happy to own up to already having one – even though I’ve only been blogging for a week and am not aware of anyone actually reading my words just yet.

I’ve taken stacks of notes that I need to sort through and put into some sort of action plan, and Sara also provided a very useful handout which I was pleased to see was full of additional material and not just a copy of the material covered during the day.

You can find out more information at

If you could do with more clients, then you would do well to consider attending this course.

Author: Michael J. Hadfield

Source: Hypnosisiseasy